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Annabel Karmel at Le Saint Geran

TravelPost Category - TravelTravel - Post Category - Long HaulLong Haul

If there is a Sassy Mama out there who hasn’t, at one time or another, used one of Annabel Karmel’s many recipes for babies and toddlers, it would surprise me. I used her cookbooks when my baby started her first solids (yes, as a first time mummy, I wanted recipes for pureed bananas and carrots!), as she graduated to mixed mushy meals, then through the terrible toddler tantrums at mealtimes, and finally to recipes the whole family could enjoy.

Annabel Karmel fed a whole generation of babies and toddlers, with tips on everything from feeding picky eaters to how to sneak greens into a tomato pasta sauce (puree the spinach and tip it in!). She’s now partnering with Mauritius’s exclusive One&Only Le Saint Geran to create an exclusive menu offering tasty and nutritious meals for younger guests.

And although we know everyone’s only just back from their summer holidays, it’s never too early to start booking your next one, and Mauritius is the perfect place to go in winter to soak up the sunin case you need any other excuses!

Annabel worked closely with Executive Chef, Sebastien Ehret, to create the brand new kids menu, which is now available at all of the resort’s restaurants. Herbs (we promise, the kids won’t notice them but they’ll love the flavours) have been hand-picked and local food markets scoured to select only the finest, freshest ingredients for dishes. And the menu is both exciting enough to pique their interest and tantalise the taste buds, and yet conventional enough not to scare them off.

Some menu highlights that caught our eye: Oriental Bento including shrimp dim sum, creamy Chocolate goldfish cupcake, Pineapple-Watermelon skewers, Dodo’s Lychee and berries frozen yoghurt, Cooler than cool Watermelon or Mango iced lollies….Yummy! Shame it’s only for the kiddies…

And of course, the Le Saint Geran doesn’t stop at  nutrition when it comes to the comfort of its younger guests! They also offer a fully supervised – and complimentary! – kids club, KidsOnly, as well as a special Junior Spa with exclusive spa treatments and services tailored for children and teenagers aged six to 16 years.

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