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Celebrating International Women’s Day 2025 #AccelerateAction

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Here’s to strong women! May we know them. May we raise them. May we be them.

Women are amazing and on Sassy Mama, we celebrate them every single day! This year, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, we decided to shout about it from the rooftops. We want to raise a toast to Hong Kong’s many inspirational women and girls and highlight those people, brands and businesses that have always gone above and beyond to support women.


When we take the initiative to inspire and educate others about the importance of women’s inclusion, we help build a fairer world. And when women are empowered and encouraged to participate fully, it inspires them to unlock their full potential. With that in mind, we’ve got some inspiring stories lined up for you.

All things stem from childhood, so it’s crucial to address diversity and inclusion with children early on. For starters, we’re turning the spotlight on how to tackle issues of diversity and inclusion in our children. Plus, we take a look at the many benefits of improving your child’s engagement with social media, involving yourself and your daughter in sports, how to help your teenage daughter realise her potential and more.

So Mama, how do you #AccelerateAction? Join us in forging a more inclusive world for women.

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All images courtesy of Sassy Media Group and Getty Images.

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