When we were getting ready for J’s arrival, the Ergo baby carrier was on ‘the list’ of must-haves I got from more than one Yummy Mummy. I did a bunch of research and it seemed fabulous…the only issue? I could never seem to find it in Hong Kong. So long story short, we have got the Baby Bjorn – and have loved it. But as soon as J passed the Bjorn’s recommended 25 lb weight limit I decided to buckle down and find the Ergo, which has a 40lb weight limit. We searched high and low and had a few dead ends along the way, but so you don’t have to scour the city like I did, here’s a look at where you can find the elusive Ergo….
Now I must say again that I loved my Baby Bjorn (in fact, I have three between my homes in HK and the US) – it was perfect for when little J was…well, little. But even before she passed the weight limit, the strain it placed on my neck and shoulders was kind of a pain (pun intended). With the Ergo, the baby’s weigh is distributed evenly across the shoulders and hips – so it’s a big load off. Another big plus is that the Ergo can be used even during the toddler years (which is great since they can run around HK$1300). And then there is the fact that it positions the baby in an ergonomically correct “spread squat” position which apparently is recommended for little babies (who knew?).
Those of you in Hong Kong, official Ergo retailers include Mother Organic, LittleBareFeet.com (which also, by the way, has some fabulous Ergo accessories – including a great weather cover), and DouBiBou in Macao (which offers free shipping to HK and China with orders over HK$1500). Bumps to Babes does have Ergos…but only from time to time – in typically B2B fashion it’s completely unpredictable (in fact, I’ve never actually seen it on the shelf and can only go on what other mums and the staff there tell me). But it’s important to note that they’re actually not an authorized retailer according to Ergo, so just be aware (the company won’t cover any issues that might result from a carrier not purchased at an authorized retailer).
For those of you in other parts of the region, here are the lists of authorized dealers near you.
China (Note: For those mummies in Shanghai we suggest the adorable Lollipop – such a cute store! And if you’re in Beijing check out Baby International).
Finally – and the jury is still out on this one – but there is even a DOLL version of the Ergo for older siblings who want to carry around their baby just like mummy and daddy do. Check it out at DouBiBou.com.