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Kids Say The Funniest Things: Parents In Hong Kong Share Their Stories

funny things kids say
Family LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily LifeParentingPost Category - ParentingParenting

With a mix of innocence, cheekiness, outrageousness and curiosity, there’s no predicting what hilarious things our children will say at (often inappropriate) times!

So many times our kids simply crack us up and we wish we had written things down to remember after a few years. We’ve asked some mamas and papas in the city to share what their kids have said over the years. Keep the tissues ready (we promise tears of laughter!).

Read more: Raising Resilient Hong Kong Kids By Teaching Them Happiness

Kids Say The Funniest Things: Made-Up Words With Irrefutable Logic

“So much reddery here!” – Karishma, 3 years old. There’s no arguing with her logic. She had just learnt the word greenery, so naturally, why wouldn’t there be reddery?

“Are we going tomorrow or two tomorrows?” – Yashiv, 6 years old. At Sassy Mama, we think we ought to replace day after tomorrow with two tomorrows from here on.

“You must not unrespect your elders!” – Tara, 5 years old. Given her conviction,  no one would dare “unrespect” her!

“Ok, ok, I am carefulling!” – Ved, 4 years old. We bet it’s just a matter of time before the Oxford English Dictionary adds that one in.

Read more: Urban Slang Terms Every Mama Should Know

Kids Say The Funniest Things: Questions That Have Stumped Us

“Dad, so if grown-ups used to be babies where did the first babies come from?” – Max, 3 years old. We bet Dad left that one for Mum to answer!

“When I was in your tummy and the doctor pulled me out, did he do it quickly so your bones didn’t fall out?” – Sam, 4 years old. Ummm… Not sure about the logic.

“So a boarding school is one where kids get bored?” – Ved, 4 years old. Technically, he could be right…

“Do I need to study anything if I want to be a balloon pumper?” – Aareev, 4 years old. Now, that’s a profession we hadn’t considered!

Read more: Skills That Our Children Will Need In 10 Years’ Time

Kids Say The Funniest Things: Straight-Faced Answers That Have Cracked Us Up

Context: A tween is being pestered by his loving mother to give him a hug. This was in 2020, just a COVID-19 was making headlines.

“No, thanks! I’m practising social distancing.” – Veer, 10 years old. You win, smart-aleck!

Context: Trying to teach her daughter opposites, a mum wanted to her daughter to guess “old” without calling herself old.

Mum: “You are very young. But when I am 100 years old, I will be….?”

“Dead!” – Maaya, 5 years old. Brutally honest.

Context: Whilst driving, a child asks his mum to take something he’s holding. She reaches out and grabs it and then notices what it is.

Mum: “Is this snot from your nose?”

“Yep!” – Max, 3 years old. Why, oh why do we teach kids to share?!

Context: His mother is a food blogger and he’s frequently been part of her videos. He watched a cake recipe video with her recently and then gave his review of what was missing.

Why are there no children to lick the bowl for her?” – Aareev, 4 years old. We agree, Aareev! That IS the most important ingredient.

Read more: Baking And Cooking Classes For Kids In Hong Kong


Main image by Sassy Media Group with background illustrations courtesy of Getty Images, gif 1 via GIPHY, gif 2 via GIPHY, gif 3 via GIPHY.

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