Looking for lactation consultants to support you and help with breastfeeding? These top lactation consultants in Hong Kong might just be your knights in shining armour!
The great thing about having a baby in Hong Kong is the wealth of support available, from helpers to hospitals, midwife clinics to baby stores. So if you’re in need of breastfeeding support, you can be sure that there’s a great range of professional breastfeeding help out there — especially in the form of lactation consultants. Take a look through these options and find the lactation consultant in Hong Kong who will work best for you.
Read More: All About Breastfeeding In Hong Kong
What You Need To Know About Lactation Consultant Certifications
The International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) is an international organisation of specialists in breastfeeding and lactation. It’s the only body able to provide an officially recognised certification for lactation consultants (IBCLC). There are many lactation consultants in Hong Kong who hold this certification, though it isn’t a requirement and you don’t need this qualification to practise in Hong Kong.
Another certification that holds weight across the world is that of a La Leche League (LLL) Leader. Leaders have been accredited by La Leche League International to offer mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding (see below for more information).
Read More: Your Breastfeeding Questions Answered By A Mama And La Leche League Expert
Urban Hatch – Registered midwife and lactation consultant in Hong Kong
With over 20 years of experience as a registered midwife, Sofie Jacobs at Urban Hatch is a well-known name on the pregnancy and baby circuit. And for good reason! She’s been offering advice to new parents in Hong Kong since 2012, and breastfeeding and lactation support is, of course, another area of expertise. Check out her articles on Sassy Mama (including when breastfeeding isn’t as straightforward as you thought it might be), reach out whenever you need any help or advice, and browse through her blog as well for her take on numerous topics, including breastfeeding.
Urban Hatch, www.urban-hatch.com
Everdawn Midwifery – Mrs Chee, lactation consultant, antenatal and postnatal care
Mrs Chee is great with lactation issues and her devoted following sings her praises up and down the block. The director and lactation consultant at Everdawn Midwives, Mrs Chee helps with everything from blocked ducts to breast massages and boosting supply. Specialising in lactation consultations and antenatal and postnatal care, you can also get help with breast pumps, maternity bras, nipple creams and more.
Everdawn Midwifery, Room 11A, Kiu Yin Commercial Building, 361 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, 2705 9322.
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The Family Zone – Hong Kong breastfeeding and lactation consultant legend Yvonne Heavyside
The Family Zone is your one-stop centre for professional help with just about anything having to do with babies and kids. When it comes to lactation consultants, Yvonne Heavyside has been quoted to be “a genius” who will help solve all your problems. A qualified IBCLC lactation consultant, she also does home visits and offers first-aid helper training courses as well as helper assessments (with a follow-up on how they can improve caregiving skills). Opt for breastfeeding and postnatal consultation for the ultimate lactation support.
The Family Zone, 9453 5544, www.thefamilyzone.hk
held. – Breastfeeding support from the paediatric doctor and mum of two Dr Clementine David
The founder of held., accredited Neuroprotective Developmental Care Practitioner, paediatric doctor and mum of two Dr Clementine David, is an expert in babies, children, and of course breastfeeding. She runs an “antenatal breastfeeding education” course to boost your breastfeeding and lactation knowledge before your bubba is born.
held., WhatsApp: 5723 1060, www.heldbaby.com
Holistic Lactation Centre – La Leche League Leader and IBCLC-qualified lactation consultant Heidi Lam
IBCLC-registered lactation consultant, Heidi Lam, is a breastfeeding and lactation master who can definitely help you if you’re having some difficulty. A La Leche League Leader, she breastfed both of her own daughters for eight years, so she knows a thing or two from personal experience! You can book a home visit or online consultation with her to train you with breastfeeding, or to help with any lactation issues you might have.
Holistic Lactation Centre, 9301 6381, www.heidi.hk
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La Leche League – Internationally recognised breastfeeding experts and lactation consultants in Hong Kong
La Leche League Hong Kong is the local hub for this international breastfeeding community and holds free monthly meetings with its lactation consultants, though currently, all these have moved online until further notice. You can also take a breastfeeding support class to learn about good positioning, latching, hunger cues and more. Accredited leaders are also contactable by phone or email if advice is needed quickly.
La Leche Leauge, English: Genny 9147 0808, Jenny 2987 7792, Heather 9468 9382, Nicola 9540 7017; Cantonese: Terry 6036 9070, Angela 9102 2099, Cecilia 5266 5619, Maggie 9048 1701, www.lll-hk.org
Mums The Word – Registered midwives with over 20 years of experience, provides lactation support
Founded by Melanie Clough, a registered midwife with over 20 years of experience, Mums The Word was set up to provide friendly, professional and supportive pre-and postnatal care for mamas. Along with Vicki Marks (also a registered midwife), there is a range of lactation support options which includes dedicated breastfeeding help. You can book a single consultation simply for some reassurance, or you can arrange several appointments if more help is required. With COVID-19 restrictions in place, Melanie and Vicki are offering online and phone consultations via Zoom, Facetime and WhatsApp.
Mums The Word, 6778 9102, 5500 8982, www.mumstheword.expert
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Annerley OT&P (Formally Annerley Midwives Clinic) – Experienced midwives and qualified lactation consultants in Hong Kong
Annerley is a well-known midwife clinic based in Central (frequented by several Sassy Mamas) and the midwife team here (Rosie, Sue and Michelle to name just a few) are legends when it comes to breastfeeding support. You can book one-hour postnatal and breastfeeding home consultations once you’re back at home, or a pack if you require more help. Each visit is tailored to your individual needs, usually breastfeeding support. The trained lactation consultants will advise on the prevention of sore breasts, mastitis, recognising and ensuring a good latch, different feeding positions, discussing how often and how long you need to feed your baby, and how to know if your infant is getting enough milk.
Annerley (OT&P Family Clinic), L/G F, Century Square, 1 D’Aguilar Street, Central, Hong Kong, Appointments: 2155 9055, General Enquiries: 2537 7281, www.annerley.otandp.com
Queen Elizabeth Hospital – Breastfeeding clinic with nurse consultant and breastfeeding specialist
Queen Elizabeth Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic run by Christine Lam, a Nurse Consultant and specialist in breastfeeding and lactation support, from Monday to Friday, 2pm to 5pm. Although only for mothers who deliver at the hospital, you’ll find a wealth of knowledge and assistance here.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 3506 6565, www3.ha.org.hk/qeh/breastfeeding
Queen Mary Hospital – A dedicated breastfeeding hospital with postnatal lactation support
A lot of mamas in Hong Kong choose to deliver at Queen Mary. As a dedicated breastfeeding hospital, you’ll be offered breastfeeding support from the moment your little one arrives. While only for hospital patients, it has a wide range of postnatal lactation support. You’ll find breastfeeding talks, practice classes, in and outpatient lactation consultations and also a dedicated hotline (details given to you once you register). You can book a lactation consultation via the postnatal Midwife Clinic.
Queen Mary Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 6/F, Professorial Block, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, for the Midwife Clinic: 2255 5524, www8.ha.org.hk/QMH
Wellness And Birth – Qualified IBCLC breastfeeding and lactation consultant in Hong Kong
This pre and postnatal service was founded by Karin Siegler, a registered midwife with experience in Hong Kong and Germany. The team focuses mainly on online support, although home visits are also available. Karin is a qualified IBCLC breastfeeding and lactation consultant. Her team understand how important it is to establish a good breastfeeding routine and will help you on that journey. If and when the time comes to return to work, you can also get advice on expressing.
Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong – Lactation clinic in Hong Kong with IBCLC-certified lactation consultants in Hong Kong
Gleneagles is proud to be the only private hospital in Hong Kong currently that has joined the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. It supports breastfeeding for its positive impact on babies, families and the wider community. It has a lactation clinic run by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC), and it provides professional and comprehensive pre-natal and post-natal support related to breastfeeding. At present, the free lactation consultations are cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, 1 Nam Fung Path, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong, 3153 9306, www.gleneagles.hk
Ellen Cheung – IBCLC qualified lactation consultant in Hong Kong
Looking for personally tailored pre and postnatal care? IBCLC qualified, Ellen Cheung is a breastfeeding and lactation consultant who conducts private antenatal and postnatal classes. Consultations were previously held in person at the individual’s home but now is done via Zoom appointments as Ellen is currently not in Hong Kong. Having gained somewhat of a cult following, her prenatal classes include giving labour advice, breastfeeding and massages. Able to work in English and Cantonese, her lactation and breastfeeding support makes her stand out in the crowd.
Ellen Cheung, 6390 0302, www.facebook.com/lactationconsultant.ellen
Melinda Maternity – Qualified postnatal consultant and night nurse
Melinda Hunt is a qualified postnatal consultant and night nurse. She helps new parents with lactation, breastfeeding and formula guidance, night feeds, sleep routines and general baby education and support. In addition to postnatal support services, she offers a baby planning and concierge service, specifically aimed at first-time parents and those juggling careers with parenthood. Although based in Melbourne, she is available for maternity contracts worldwide.
Melinda Maternity, WhatsApp: +61 0478 018 932, www.melindamaternity.com
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Matilda International Hospital – Breastfeeding expert midwives and lactation consultants
This well-known name in the world of giving birth in Hong Kong also has your back when it comes to breastfeeding. The team here is on-hand to help you get your breastfeeding journey off on the right foot as soon as your little one comes into the world.
Matilda International Hospital, 41 Mount Kellett Road, The Peak, Hong Kong, 2849 0111, www.matilda.org
Other Breastfeeding And Lactation Support Centres And Online Help
- Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association (BFHIHKA) – This breastfeeding hotline is manned by qualified lactation consultants for professional advice. www.babyfriendly.org.hk.
- Government Of Hong Kong Department Of Health Family Health Services: Breastfeeding Support – Here you’ll find a wealth of breastfeeding resources including a breastfeeding support hotline. www.fhs.gov.hk.
- Maternal and Child Health Centres – Hong Kong in-person lactation support via the public system. www.fhs.gov.hk.
- Hong Kong Breastfeeding – Closed Hong Kong Facebook group (women only) started by the well-known Hong Kong breastfeeding expert Gemma MacFarlane. www.facebook.com.
- It Tastes Like Love – Founded by Hong Kong Mama and breastfeeding advocate Liz Thomas. www.ittasteslikelove.org.
- Breastfeeding Younger Babies and Beyond – Closed Facebook group. www.facebook.com.
- Breastfeeding Older Babies and Beyond – Closed Facebook group. www.facebook.com.
- Ask Dr Sears – Breastfeeding and lactation advice online. www.askdrsears.com.
- Dr Jack Newman – Paediatric Dr and international breastfeeding and lactation expert. www.facebook.com and www.ibconline.ca.
- Breastfeeding And Medication – A guide to taking medicine while breastfeeding. www.breastfeeding-and-medication.co.uk.
- Kelly Mom – Online parenting and breastfeeding support. www.kellymom.com.
- Low Milk Supply – Online lactation support and advice. www.lowmilksupply.org.
- The Milk Meg – IBCLC Lactation consultant and social media influencer. www.facebook.com and www.themilkmeg.com.
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Editor’s Note: “Breastfeeding And Lactation Consultants In Hong Kong” was most recently updated in July 2023 by Sassy Mama. Special thanks to Alex Purcell Garcia for her contribution.
This is part of a special series, “All About Breastfeeding In Hong Kong“. For more posts on breastfeeding in Hong Kong, click here.