Considering Hypnobirthing? We answer all your questions including whether this method is right for you, where you can take Hypnobirthing classes in Hong Kong and more.
Mention the word “Hypnobirthing” in conversation, and images that come to mind for some involve a woman unconsciously giving birth. After all, Hypnobirthing often finds itself in the news, especially after images of glamorous celebrity mums who have used Hypnobirthing techniques appear after what appears to have been an easy delivery (well, if it’s good enough for Kate Middleton, Jessica Alba and Angelina Jolie!). In an effort to dispel the misconceptions around this alternative childbirth technique, clinical hypnotherapist Deborah Dewey answers everything we want to know about this gentle, natural and active method of delivery. Read on to find out if this is right for you and your family.
Read more: Birth Breathing: Techniques For Labour And Delivery Explained
What Is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is more than just hypnosis. It is a philosophy of birth as much as it is a technique for achieving a satisfying, more relaxed and memorable birth experience. Hypnobirthing sessions teach mum, along with her partner, the joy and art of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner.
What Are The Benefits Of Hypnobirthing?
The benefits of Hypnobirthing are a relaxed and comfortable mindset for both mum and partner because of the techniques that are covered. Courses teach deep relaxation, to eliminate the fear that causes tension and thus pain. Further, the techniques help to shorten the first phase of labour and Hypnobirthing helps to keep oxygen supplied to the baby during birthing. Mum benefits from less fatigue, which is greatly reduced as well as the need for an episiotomy.
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How Does This Differ From Other Birthing Preparation Techniques?
One of the key elements to the Hypnobirthing philosophy is how it gives the birthing partner an integral role in the birthing. Most mums follow up after courses and report how useful the Hypnobirthing breathing techniques are. Birthing preparation techniques for breathing can vary widely and Hypnobirthing has three breathing exercises that help mums through the different stages of labour. Hypnobirthing also addresses the mind, whilst other more traditional birthing preparation courses forget the mind totally. And when the mind is relaxed, the body relaxes too. Lastly, how the body prepares for birthing is covered in-depth, thus giving a better understanding of how a woman’s body is designed for labour.
What Is A Typical Hypnobirthing Session Like?
Each session shows birthing videos, and techniques are covered including breathing exercises, visualisation and deep relaxation using self-hypnosis. Understanding how the body and mind work together for birthing is also covered in every session.
When And Where Can Pregnant Women Join Hypnobirthing Classes In Hong Kong?
Hypnobirthing can be used on its own or in conjunction with other non-medicated or medicated forms of pain relief. There are many options for in-person and online classes and it’s advised to begin a course at least three months before your due date, to allow plenty of time for you and your birth partner to practice and familiarise yourselves with the techniques. If she wishes, a mum can even start the Hypnobirthing course in her first trimester.
If you’re looking for classes in Hong Kong, there are two common, globally affiliated hypnobirthing courses:
- The Calm Birth Method, offered by Calm Hong Kong
- The Marie Mongan, taught by Renewed Edge
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Is It Safe?
Yes, Hypnobirthing is safe as it allows mums to use their birthing instincts to birth their baby, in a way that mirrors nature. As long as there are no complications while carrying her child, she is fit to go ahead and do Hypnobirthing to support her towards a better, more natural birth experience.
Anything Else We Need To Know?
You will learn that hypnosis is not a “trance state” or sleep state but a naturally heightened state of relaxation where you are aware and fully in control, but profoundly relaxed. Hypnobirthing helps to eliminate the fear-tension-pain syndrome and teaches mum to trust in her body and work with it.
Several Sassy Mamas in the office have tried hypnobirthing and benefitted from its techniques. A couple tried The Positive Birth Company (online from the UK) while another used Calm Hong Kong with Lindsay.
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