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Sassy Mama’s Parenting Resolutions For 2024

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From spending more quality time together to letting kids understand their emotions and more, here are Sassy Mama’s parenting resolutions for 2024…

A new year means a new start, for all things from setting positive intentions for the family to putting aside time to treating yourself and more. And in the same light, we’re sharing our team’s parenting resolutions for 2024 – navigating the parenthood while being a working parent is a tough cookie, and add the dynamic pace of city life in the mix. Here’s what we’re working on in the coming year.

Read More: Family Goals – How To Set Intentions As A Family For The New Year

This was one of our resolutions this year and will transition to 2024, still a work in progress! My husband and I would remind each other to regain our composure whenever we’re about to lose our nerve. Staying calm with our kids is one of the best things we can do to model behaviour and build positive relationships.

As a recently back-to-work mum, a good work-life balance is important to me, especially since I mostly work from home. I made it a habit to unplug by a certain time daily and be present to my kids. Either to help with their homework or put them to bed.

Ira Daragnez, Sassy Mama’s Partnership’s Support Executive  

Read More: Going Back To Work After Having A Baby – 6 Tips From A Hong Kong Mum

In 2024, I am committed to embracing the struggles and big emotions of my 2 and 4-year-old. In the face of frequent meltdowns, my instinctive reaction has often been to swiftly swoop in and solve the problem, and stop the tears as quickly as possible.

However, I have come to understand the value in taking a moment to slow down, to pause amidst the chaos, and to let my children know that their emotions are valid and important.

Instead of instantly solving their problem, I will take a moment, validate their emotions, and try to teach them the essential tools they need to effectively communicate and resolve conflicts more independently. Parenting is a remarkable journey, one that is filled with its fair share of ups and downs, and I believe in fostering independence and resilience in my children.

Elle Noble, Sassy Mama’s Managing Director

Life gets crazy busy, and it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters. So, we’re going to carve out special moments just for our family to come together and have a good time. Whether it’s a weekly game night, cooking meals together, exploring the great outdoors, or just chilling at home, we want to create memories that will bring us closer.

In this digital age, it feels at times that our gadgets have taken over our lives. I would like to set boundaries and create tech-free zones during certain periods. It’s not about banning devices altogether, but rather teaching our kids (and ourselves) how to have a healthy relationship with technology. By putting our screens aside, we can have real conversations, enjoy each other’s company, and rediscover the joy of good old-fashioned fun.

Emilie de Cannart, CEO of Sassy Media Group

My resolution for the coming year is to prioritise my self-care – not just for my sake, but for my child’s too. As mothers, we often find ourselves nurturing everyone else and relegating our own needs to the back burner. While my devotion to my family remains unwavering, I acknowledge that in recent years, my health and overall well-being have unfortunately been overlooked. Therefore, I am committing to a more balanced approach. This includes adopting healthier eating habits, incorporating more physical activity into my routine, and investing time in activities that bring me joy, both individually and with friends.

Kylie Mitchell-Maartens, Sassy Mama’s Social Media Strategist

Read More: What To Gift Yourself – 5 Gift Ideas To Treat Yo’ Self!

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