There’s no doubt that parenting is stressful. And in case there was any doubt, study after study expounds on all the challenges and effects of ‘modern parenting’ – the over-scheduling of the kids, the parents with no time to connect….There are even a surprising number of studies out there saying that having kids actually makes people less happy, not more. As I write this I’m watching J lick the tag on her playmate with such joy in her eyes that if you asked me right now, I’d say I don’t buy what those sociologists are shopping around….but then there are those moments when all life’s stresses seem to collide in the perfect storm, sleep deprivation as a form of torture makes sense, and well…you know what I’m talking about.
Of course, we really have less to complain about in Hong Kong, as there is no doubt that having children here has some significant perks – the most obvious of which is the affordable help. And so today, some food for thought: Passing on a sobering article on parenting, marriage and happiness from New York magazine —- read this and be grateful for the fact that your happiness quotient is very likely higher than that of the average New York parent.
All Joy and No Fun: Why Parents Hate Parenting
What’s your take on this? Tell us what you think!