Your own personal checklist.
Like any parent, you want to keep your family healthy and happy which is why annual health checks are so important. From Pap Smears to vaccinations, what should you be getting checked exactly and how much will it cost – we’re here to help with answers. To help discover your options, we’ve got the lowdown for health checks in Hong Kong for mamas and kids, as well as some recommended checks and where you can get them done here in the city.
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General Guidance For Health Checks In Hong Kong
Health Insurance Hong Kong
What Should Be Included In A Woman’s Health Check?
What Should Be Included In A Child’s Health Check?
Public Women’s Health Checks
Public General Health Checks For Kids
Private Health Check Options For Both Women And Children
Editor’s Note: The situation in Hong Kong regarding closures and restrictions on hospital appointments and opening hours due to the coronavirus is constantly evolving. Many hospitals and clinics are taking extra precautions, but please make sure you follow the latest government advice and stay home if you have recently travelled overseas, have interacted with anyone who has been away, or display any symptoms. Be sure to contact the medical facility in advance prior to booking or attending any appointments.
Read more: Women’s Health: Critical Checks For Your 30s, 40s and 50s
General Guidance For Health Checks In Hong Kong
Hong Kong has a decent set up within the public sector when it comes to health checks but it’s not always easy to know where to go and what’s covered. Don’t worry, we’ll take a look at what is and what isn’t covered within the public sector (and for whom). Keep in mind that, whatever the public sector doesn’t cover, the private sector certainly will if you’ve got insurance or the finances to cover it. Within the private health sector, what’s covered under health checks and health check packages vary depending on the hospital or clinic.
Health Insurance Hong Kong
The public sector in Hong Kong is reputable and very affordable but it doesn’t always cover everything. Having health insurance helps fill this gap and eliminates waiting times for procedures and specialists. Since April 2019, the Hong Kong government introduced a Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) which, if you sign up for health insurance with approved providers, every member of your family is eligible for an annual $8,000 tax deduction. The VHIS scheme is also more comprehensive in that it extends coverage to unknown pre-existing conditions as well so it’s worth your while to look into coverage for the family.
Read more: Children’s Vaccinations In Hong Kong: When And Where To Get Them
What Should Be Included In A Woman’s Health Check?
Mamas, as we age there are certain areas of our body that we need to keep in check. While packages vary and some tests can be added as an additional extra, here are some of the key items to look out for in your annual health check:
- Medical history and assessment
- Weight and height check
- Physical examination and general bloodwork (all ages and genders and checked every year)
- Full gynaecological check. This includes a breast exam and cervical screening (for all sexually active women of childbearing age and is usually checked every 1-3 years)
- Thyroid check and bloodwork (for women over 35 years of age or if experiencing thyroid-related symptoms)
- An annual test for all women 40 years of age and older
- Skin check (all ages and genders annually)
- Diabetes blood test (for women 45 years of age and older). It is also often tested during pregnancy, if you are overweight, or experiencing diabetes-related symptoms (usually tested once every three years)
- Cholesterol test (for women age 40 and over and is tested usually every three years)
- Colonoscopy (for women age 50 and over, usually tested Every 5-10 years)
- Bone density scan (DEXA – for women who have entered menopause)
What Should Be Included In A Child’s Health Check?
Kids’ health checks vary greatly by age but, in general, will include some of the following:
- Monitoring and checking their physical and mental development
- Checking weight, height and blood pressure
- Check for and/or make recommendations for vision, hearing and dental checks with associated professionals
- Ask questions about their sleep, bathroom habits, eating habits etc.
- Physical examination such as listening to the heart and lungs, observing motor skills and assessing language skills
- For older kids and teens, they may be asked about depression, sexual/menstrual health and their level of exercise
- Blood work may be recommended based on any symptoms the doctor notices
Read more: Where To Donate Blood In Hong Kong
Public Women’s Health Checks
Women’s health checks are actually quite extensive within the public sector. Women can visit a Maternal and Child Health Centre (MCHC) location, Women’s Health Centre, or the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong location for subsidised health checks.
Family Health Services (FHS) Health Checks
The Family Health Service (FHS) offers women’s health checks as well as extensive antenatal and postnatal programmes accessible to HKID holders. The FHS women’s health checks are available for women at or under the age of 64 and it includes:
- Medical history and health assessment
- Physical examination – body weight, height, blood pressure
- Breast and gynaecological examination
- Cervical screening
- Health education and counselling
Fee: $310 for eligible persons and $850 for non-eligible persons; Each mammography is $225 for an eligible person and $510 for non-eligible persons
Services available at Women’s Health Centres or MCHC locations.
Family Planning Association Of Hong Kong
The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong offers a variety of services, including health checks for women over the age of 26 at different locations across Hong Kong. Other services include pre-martial health checks, men’s health checks, youth health care, birth control, pregnancy termination, vasectomies, circumcisions, menopausal services, a cervical disease clinic, pre-pregnancy and early pregnancy assessment, as well as subfertility options. Its e-Booking service also makes it easy to make an appointment. For unmarried women under the age of 26, similar health services can be done within the Youth Health Service.
Health checks include:
- Medical history
- General physical examination – blood pressure, pulse, body weight and height. Examination of the thyroid, abdomen, breasts and pelvis
- Urine analysis
- Pap Smear test
Fee: $540 with Pap Smear test, $280 without Pap Smear test; Doctor Assessment $200; Doctor follow-up $150; Nurse assessment $30
Investigative laboratory tests:
- Complete Blood Count, Liver Function Test, Creatinine, Hepatitis B Antigen and Antibody, Fasting Blood Sugar and Lipid Profile, Uric Acid, Vitamin D
- Bone density measurement
- Pelvic ultrasound scanning
- Blood Test for Treponemal Antibody by EIA and HIV Ag/Ab Combo
- Pregnancy Tests
- STI Screening
- Faecal Occult Blood Test
- HPV Vaccine
- Osteoporosis Medicines
- Menopausal services
- Hormone Medicines
- Birth control
- Zostavax Zoster Vaccine
Fees: $250 to $1,800 (full price list)
- Specialist Consultation
- Loop Electro-surgical Excision Procedure (including treatment, biopsy and one follow-up visit)
- Colposcopic examination (including biopsy and one follow-up visit)
- Cryotherapy on the cervix
- Cervical Cytology Test (Pap Smear test)
- Pap Smear Follow-up Shared Care Service
Fees: $350 to $5,000 (full price list)
The Department of Health also has a cervical screening programme. You can also book to just have a cervical screening through various public clinic locations. For locations, check the Department of Health website (recommended testing every 3 years).
Fee: $100 for HKID holders.
Read more: Seasonal Influenza: Here’s What You Need To Know
Public General Health Checks For Kids
The public sector has a solid vaccination regime for kids that’s easily accessible as well as a parenting programme that offers assistance with breastfeeding, psychosocial health, and more for kids under the age of five. The government also has a Health and Developmental Surveillance Programme for kids 0 to 5 years of age.
Health and Developmental Surveillance Programme
- First Health Consultation
- Growth monitoring and Diet Assessment
- Developmental surveillance
- Hearing screening (Automated Otoacoustic Emission)
- Preschool Vision screening
Fee: Free at MCHC locations for HKID holders
Private Health Check Options For Both Women And Children
Health checks can be performed at nearly every doctor’s clinic and hospital in Hong Kong with varying prices and packages. With so many great options in Hong Kong, it might be impossible to list them all, but here are a few locations and examples of what’s offered for women and child health checks within the private sector.
Quality Healthcare Medical Services (QHMS)
QHMS is one of the private providers offering children’s health check packages, as well as both women’s and men’s health check packages. There are also options for additional packages for your child that include spinal screening and eye assessments. With a large number of locations in Hong Kong, QHMS is easily accessible no matter where you and your family live.
Children’s Health Check Package
The QHMS has five different packages depending on the age of your child with one consistent price for each package that includes up to five visits. The general Children’s Health Check package includes:
- 1st Session – Initial Assessment
- Growth charts
- Ideal body weight (IBW) assessment
- 24-hour diet recall
- Food exchanges
- Personalized diet plan and recommendations
- 2nd – 5th Sessions – Follow-ups
- Weight progress
- Food diary review
- Diet plan and recommendations
Fee: $2,500 for each package
- $520 per 30-minute session
- For children aged 3 to 17 years
- $1,550 per assessment
QHMS offers women’s health packages for every age with appropriate age tests and pricing (see full list).
Fees: $4,080 – $11,280 depending on the package selected
The QHMS gynaecological check includes:
- Detailed medical history
- Physical examination
- Blood analysis (CBF)
- Thyroid function (TSH)
- Cervical screening (Pap Smear and HPV genotype)
- Pelvic screening (ultrasound)
- Follow-up consultation for report review
Fee: $2,680
It also offers men’s health checks as well.
Quality Health Care Medical Services, various locations, 8301 8301, www.qhms.com
Raffles Medical Group
Raffles Medical Clinic offers a comprehensive women’s health check-up. The Raffles Medical Clinic is home to Hong Kong’s largest team of Consultant Obstetricians and Gynaecologists within the private sector. Furthermore, it is mostly staffed by female professionals which can make some of the more invasive testings and screenings a bit more comfortable. Raffles has a variety of different types of health checks, including pre-marital and cancer screening, but here is its Women’s Wellness Plan package:
Raffles Medical Clinics – Women’s Wellness Plan
- Medical history and physical examination
- Check weight and height
- Breast examination and/or breast/pelvic ultrasound
- Bloodwork: CBC, kidney function, bone metabolism, cervical screening
- Optional HPV vaccination
- Medical report and optional follow-up consultation
Fee: $5,200
Raffles Medical Group, various locations, www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com
Read more: Diabetes: What You Need To Know About Prevention And Management
Hong Kong Adventist Hospital (HKAH) Stubbs Road
The HKAH offers a variety of flexible health packages for the whole family, including kids and babies. What’s great about these packages is that each provides the option to see a general practitioner or a specialist making HKAH’s packages flexible and accessible.
- Medical history and physical examination
- Blood pressure
- Body mass index (BMI)
- Visual acuity
- Pap Smear
- Mammogram
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Blood tests – CBC, diabetes screening, lipid profile, thyroid function, urinalysis
- Counselling
- Additional tests and options also available for different age stages
Fee: Doctor: $3,600; Specialist: $3,900
- Includes seven consultations and vaccinations.
Fee: $16,200
- Detailed medical history and physical examination
- Blood pressure 3
- Visual acuity
- Development milestones
- Health screening laboratory tests included + urine routine examination
Fee: Doctor: $740; Pediatrician: $1,005
Hong Kong Adventist Hospital, 40 Stubbs Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong, 3651 8888, www.hkah.org.hk
Gleneagles Hospital and Medical Clinics
With a clinic located in Central along with its main hospital, Gleneagles offers an impressive range of new and cutting edge medical technology ensuring it meets all types of medical needs. Its packages include three different types for both men and women, with its higher-end packages offering some of the most extensive health checks in Hong Kong.
From June 8, 2020, to October 31, 2020, Gleneagles is offering a special discount if two health checks are purchased at the same time.
- Privilege Plan (discounted price: Male,$7,735; Female, $8,160)
- Platinum Plan (discounted price: Male, $11,025, Female, $11,348)
For full details on all of Gleneagles expansive health assessment packages, visit Gleneagles website.
Package fees: $2,290 to $13,350 depending on the selected package
Gleneagles Hospital, 1 Nam Fung Path, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong, 2122 1333, [email protected], www.gleneagles.hk
Gleneagles Medical Clinic, Units 1101-03, 11/F Asia Standard Tower, 59-65 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong, 2810 9188, www.gleneagles.hk
Union Hospital
The Union Hospital first opened in 1994 in Hong Kong and was also the first private hospital in the Eastern New Territories. The Union Hospital has a variety of straight forward packages for the whole family as well as one catered specifically to women.
Offers five different package options for all ages/genders with varying checks and tests.
Fees: $850 to $9,450 depending on the package selected
With five varying packages available the Women’s Wellness Package may include some of the following:
Fees: $1,300 to $4,190 depending on the package selected
- Physical examination (weight, height, blood pressure, pulse and medical history)
- Blood testing (CBC, fasting glucose, lipid profile, Hep B screening)
- Urinalysis
- Pelvic exam and Pap Smear
- Trans-abdominal pelvic ultrasound
- Breast ultrasound or mammogram
- Bone Densitometry
- Consultation and detailed medical report
They also have a men’s health screening programme.
Union Hospital, 18 Fu Kin Street, Tai Wai, Shatin, Hong Kong, 2608 3388, [email protected], www.union.org